Saturday, January 10, 2009

Globe Books

the Globe & Mail (like everybody else) is experiencing economic grief and has morphed its stand-alone Books section into a "greater web presence." today is the first example of the new the print edition, it's now incorporated into the paper, which saddens's Globe looks like a failing film actor, forced to go on a too-harsh diet, depressed, weak, lank-haired, coke-eyed...i can't bear to buy the poor thing today. it might take me weeks to go back to buying the Globe.

despite my aggravation at the stand-alone Books' demise, i'm going to try to read the Books home for the usual articles & reviews, plus a site for discussions, & Martin Levin's Shelf Life blog (old dogs, new tricks?)

instead of getting my Globe book dose on airplanes and subways, in cafes or in the bath, i'll be reading at my laptop. i'm trying to like it. really. i am, and my laptop is adjusting to the bagel seeds that keep getting stuck in the keys.

(here is Quill & Quire on why the Globe changed the Books section)

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