Thursday, February 14, 2008

Mackey first to Dawson

a smidgen after 1 pm this afternoon, three-time Quest winner Lance Mackey arrived at the Dawson checkpoint, winning the gold poke reserved for first into Dawson...just minutes ahead of Ken Anderson. fissures in the ice have made this stretch of the trail especially harsh, and the dogs seem pooped. everyone must be looking forward to the 36 hours of rest and repairs; both teams will be leaving in the wee hours of Saturday morning. today, Mackey came in with one dog in his sled (what seems to be a pulled tendon)--because of the cold, it's hard for the dogs to get warmed up after stopping for a few hours' break, Mackey explained: "It's easier to go slow and steady than for them to completely stop."

one of Mackey's dogs, looking forward to a well-deserved break. while from on high, a local husky kept an eye on goings-on on Front street...yes, he really is on the roof.

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